Zane Gray

- Software Developer

(704) 241-9674




  • Construct basic functional apps using a variety of development tools
  • Extrapolate client business needs into technical requirements
  • Learn skills and solve problems to reach goals and remain productive


  • Typescript
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • HTML + CSS
  • Node.js + Express
  • .Net Core
  • SQL
  • Entity Framework
  • AWS
  • Git + Github
  • Electron.js
  • HTML5 Canvas


Kingsmen Software - Charlotte NC

Apprentice Software Engineer

June 2022 - September 2022

  • Learned and practiced domain modelling, project discovery, story-writing
  • Improved team organization, communication, and collaboration skills
  • Used Redux, React, MUI, and Jest for front-end work, .NET Core, Entity FrameWork Core, XUnit, and Sql Server for back-end work
  • Gained experience with Azure Devops for project management, and Git for version control

Independent Contractor - NC & VA


August 2017 - April 2021

  • Effectively communicated with clients and co-workers
  • Estimated, planned an executed carpentry and handyman type projects
  • Practiced organization, planning, and interpersonal skills as a lead carpenter
  • Learned and developed skill with a wide variety of tools, materials, and machinery


Inspection Reports

  • Used Electron and React to create a desktop app which allows the creation and storage of customer data, and generates inspection reports and exports them as pdfs
  • Typescript, ElectronJS, React, NodeJS



  • Used and Node.js to create a multiplayer browser game where the players are randomly assigned the controls of a vehicle and must cooperate with each other to control the car
  • JS, HTML, CSS,, Node.js

Global Game Jam (2021, 2022)

  • Sidescrolling Platformer (2021)
  • Top Down Rougelike (2022)
  • Both jams emphasized the importance of teamwork, communication, collaboration, adaptability, and prioritization
  • Unity, Git


Empower Bootcamp - September 2021

  • 8-week intensive course teaching the fundamentals of web application development
  • Introduction to Javascript, HTML CSS, React, .Net CORE, SQL, Git/GitHub, AWS, among others